How to build a skincare routine that works? How to understand the body-skin connection and benefit from it? 

How to prevent premature aging and look your best now? Get the answers to these and other questions by gaining essential knowledge and experience from guides and courses in PRO Face and Body School.

We are overwhelmed with information on what is good for our body and essential for our skin. But how to really know what is right for YOU? Your unique body and skin?

How to make fast and effective changes from starting small?

Join the club and let's begin our journey to a new you.

Hi, I’m Irina!

I am a certified holistic nutritionist, CHN, and skincare expert.

My courses are designed with one thing in mind: our body is Whole, and we need to learn to find balance in our health and beauty. Skincare cannot be viewed separately from health, especially if we have "premature aging prevention" and "I want to feel and look my best" as goals. Let's live and age beautifully and gracefully, staying happy and healthy.

I absolutely LOVE helping people feel and look their best as well as educating people on the physiology of the skin, the chemistry of ingredients, and healthy beauty + wellness options. Science always wins and I do a ton of research on topics so you don't have to. I really hope my blog inspires and enlightens you!

P.S. ...and finally, learn how to look 10 years younger with just two hands, a CORRECT skincare routine as well as a whole diet. It's easier than you think!